A Word From Founder – Joseph Cooper

As a competitive gamer with a rich history in titles like Starcraft, Counter-Strike, and League of Legends, Team Fight Tactics, my personal experiences deeply influence the direction and ethos of Earn Alliance. With nearly two decades in game development, I intimately understand both the developer and gamer perspectives. We firmly believe that web3 games should foster a competitive gaming landscape, aligning perfectly with a space where tangible rewards for skill expression are at stake—thereby paving the way for a new form of esports.

After witnessing the many early challenges of the industry, I was inspired to establish a community of like-minded individuals in the world of web3 gaming – hence the name, Earn Alliance. The absence of a dedicated platform for game discovery and community engagement, compounded by distribution, safety and digital asset knowledge difficulties, motivated us to create a space where gamers and web3 enthusiasts could discover new games and engage with communities.

A key moment in our journey was when over 600,000 assets from Axie Infinity joined our platform, Earn Management, highlighting the demand for tools to support web3 gaming. Despite confronting challenges that would deter the faint-hearted – such as security breaches like the Axie Infinity hack, FTX collapse and market downturns, including the crypto winter—we persevered and successfully raised $4.75 million in December 2022, providing us with the necessary resources to continue our mission.

What distinctly sets us apart is our unwavering focus on what web3 games have to offer versus their NFT and token prices. We aggregate everything from Twitter Spaces to Discord announcements into a single, rich feed of information—a feature none of our competitors offer. We don't engage with tokens that lack in-game utility; we believe in projects and NFTs that provide real-world value and in-game usage.

Furthermore, we elevate user engagement by offering custom-designed, handcrafted badges as NFTs. The minting process is gamified, requiring users to perform actions like joining specific Discord channels or completing in-game events, enhancing discoverability and potential genuine user engagement to add long-term ecosystem value.

As the web3 gaming landscape evolves, we're already anticipating the future. We're in the process of developing a game marketplace aggregator that will be informed by in-game data. This innovation is poised to revolutionize the way assets and collectibles are valued and traded, making market dynamics increasingly competitive and more aligned with actual game performance.

Our mission to enrich the gaming community will be underpinned by uncompromising transparency. Every contract and metric will be transparent, creating a trust-based relationship with our community. We will also continually engage our user base to adapt, improve, and align our platform with the needs and expectations of the community.

We aim to foster a healthy competitive landscape, not just among gamers but also among game developers. By enabling games to share data transparently, we hope to ignite a new era of competition that will elevate the web3 gaming industry as a whole.

We're on a relentless quest to create a balanced ecosystem that rewards genuine engagement while also pushing the boundaries of what is conceivable in the web3 gaming world. Our focus isn't solely on profit; it's a collaborative effort aimed at shaping the future of gaming through fostering transparency, data, and, most importantly, community.


Joseph Cooper

Founder and CEO of Earn Alliance

Last updated